Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Laptop Wood Panelling

So, by in a few days I meant a few hours...

Anyways, here is my Laptop Wood Panelling Tutorial:



What you'll need:

Woodgrain contact paper (shelf-liner). You can buy it at most hardware stores and some supermarkets. Google shopping link.

Scissors or, prefferably, a paper cutter.

Soft tape measure. If you don't have one, you can flip the contact paper over and use the squares to measure your computer.

A laptop.

Steady Hands.

What to do

Step one:
Measure the length and width of your laptop.

Step two: Cut that sized piece off of your roll. Make sure the woodgrain is going the way you want it to.

Step three: Cut the piece into strips. I did 2 inch pieces. This step would be infinitely easier if you had a paper cutter. I am jealous of everyone who does.

Step four: Apply to your computer, aligning the pieces along the bottom of your screen. Overlap them a little, so your screen doesn't show. It might be a good idea to check the stickiness of your contact paper before you do this step. If it's super sticky, you'll have be super careful.

Step five: Cut off any excess contact paper if necessary.

And Voila: Wood paneled computer!

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