Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crafty Gift Card Wrapping

Everybody loves getting gift cards. They are as good as getting money, only slightly more personal. It's as if the giver is saying, "I know enough about you to know where you shop, but I don't know what the hell you'd buy there." And for that self-awareness, we thank them. But my problem with giving gift cards, is that they're not quite personal enough. So, the last time I was giving them as a gift I decided to dress them up a little and give them a touch of me. Here's how I did it:

Friday, March 20, 2009

Birth Control Case Mini Wallet

I've always thought it was a complete waste that every box of birth control pills came with its own case, so I've been thinking of a way to recycle them. The answer came to me when I realized that my bus pass fit neatly inside of one. I started using it as a wallet, but the case is flimsy, and I kept getting amused, "I know what that thing is," looks from my bus drivers. Plus purple isn't really my color. So, I decided a retrofit would be just the thing to make it cuter and somewhat less conspicuous. Here's how I did it:

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stuff I Never Made: Custom Playing Cards

A while back I thought it would be fun to make some king's cup playing cards. I did all the research. I found all the equipment. And then I got distracted. That happens to me a lot, so I figured I'd share all that work I did so it wouldn't be in vain.

Even if you don't enjoy binge drinking, this could be a fun project for you. You could; make cards with your family crest on the back, make the King, Queen and Jack into family members or characters from your favorite tv show, make Old Maid cards, whatever you want. Anything you decide, here are a few ways to make your custom cards:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Laptop Wood Panelling

So, by in a few days I meant a few hours...

Anyways, here is my Laptop Wood Panelling Tutorial:



It Has Begun!

Hi all,

My name is Miara, AKA Cutty. I've been knitting, crocheting, and generally gluing things to other things for about 6 years now. Recently, I've decided to share my craftiness with others, so I started my own Etsy shop (with actual product soon to come) and this blog.

Here, I will share my crafty knowledge, inspiration, and ideas. I'll be posting tutorials, links to pages that have helped and inspired me, and my random ideas that will probably never come to fruition, unless I convince someone else to make them (and I would love to see the end results).

Within the next few days I'll post a tutorial, probably my Wood Paneling Laptop.

Thanks for checking out my blog!